Course Outline


  • Why Kotlin is a Better Java

Setting Up the Tools

  • Using the Command Line Tools
  • Installing the JDK for Kotlin
  • Installing and Setting Up the IDE: IntelliJ
  • Installing the Plugins

Getting Started with Basic Kotlin Programming

  • Learning the Kotlin Architecture
  • Creating Variables in Kotlin
  • Understanding the Different Data Types in Kotlin
  • Using Strings in Kotlin
  • Understanding Immutability in Kotlin
  • Implementing Expressions, Statements, and Assignments
  • Using Nullable Variables in Kotlin for Null Safety
  • Handling Conditional Program Flow with "if" Statements
  • Handling Options Using "when" Statements
  • Exploring Kotlin's Advanced Capabilities for Conditional Statements
  • Using Arrays and Lists in Kotlin
  • Implementing Looping Constructs in Kotlin
  • Creating, Declaring, and Using Functions in Kotlin
  • Using Parameters and Returning a Value
  • Using Extension Functions
  • Using Inline Functions
  • Using Higher-order Functions

Object-Oriented Programming with Kotlin

  • Overview of Progamming with Objects
  • Creating a Class
  • Adding Methods to Classes
  • Defining Basic Constructors
  • Using Named Parameters and Default Values
  • Using Open Classes to Allow Inheritance
  • Using Abstract Classes
  • Creating and Using Interfaces
  • Handling Overriding
  • Creating Data Classes
  • Using Singletons and Companion Objects
  • Using Enumerations
  • Grouping Classes into Packages
  • Using Imports
  • Implementing Information Hiding
  • Using Getters and Setters
  • Implementing Visibility Modifiers
  • Understanding Generics
  • Implementing a Generic Stack
  • Using Generic Functions

Exploring Kotlin's Interoparibility with Java

  • Using Java from Kotlin
  • Using Kotlin from Java

Exploring Kotlin's Advanced Features

  • Understanding Operator Overloading
  • Using Annotations
  • Using Reflection
  • Implementing DSL Construction
  • Implementing Destructuring

Using Kotlin for Functional Programming

Hands-on: Converting an Android App from Java to Kotlin

  • Using Android Studio
  • Starting a New Project with Kotlin
  • Converting Existing Java Code to Kotlin
  • Using Android APIs with Kotlin


Summary and Conclusion


  • Experience in Java programming
  • Basic experience or familiarity with Android development


  • Android developers interested in Kotlin
  • Java programmers interested in Kotlin
 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant (excl. VAT)

Testimonials (3)

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