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Developing Applications For Linux (LFD401)
28 StundenLinux Enterprise Automation (LFS430)
28 StundenLinux Security (LFS416)
28 StundenLinux Performance Tuning (LFS426)
28 StundenKubernetes for App Developers (LFD459)
21 StundenKubernetes Administration (LFS458)
28 StundenKubernetes Security Fundamentals (LFS460)
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The Linux Foundation Beratung
The Linux Foundation Schulung, The Linux Foundation boot camp, The Linux Foundation Abendkurse, The Linux Foundation Wochenendkurse, The Linux Foundation Kurs, The Linux Foundation Training, The Linux Foundation Seminar, The Linux Foundation Seminare, The Linux Foundation Privatkurs, The Linux Foundation Coaching, The Linux Foundation Lehrer